Lawrence J. Schwankl, CE Irrigation Specialist, emeritus, receives the Irrigation Association's 2014 Person of the Year Award.

Oct 31, 2014

The Irrigation Association will present their 2014 Person of the Year Award to Lawrence (Larry) Schwankl at the 2014 Irrigation Show & Education Conference in Phoenix on November 20, 2014. Schwankl's distinguished 28 year career with the University of California Extension specialized in irrigation engineering, design, operation and management of irrigation systems, soil moisture monitoring, and low-volume irrigation.

“Through his well-recognized applied research program, technology transfer efforts and service activities, Dr. Schwankl has dedicated his career to developing, evaluating and promoting water-efficient technologies and irrigation best management practices,” wrote Dana Osborne Porter, Associate Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at Texas A&M University.


By Laura J. Van der Staay
Author - KARE Program and Facility Coordinator, IR-4 Field Research Center Director

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