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Staff Directory

Center Director

Photo of Atef Swelam Ph.D.
Atef Swelam Ph.D.
Title: Director, Kearney and Westside Research and Extension Centers
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-646-6060
Email: aiswelam@ucanr.edu


Photo of Mary Lu Arpaia Ph.D.
Mary Lu Arpaia Ph.D.
Title: Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Evaluation of preharvest and postharvest factor on subtropical crop productivity and fruit quality, including rootstock, cultivar, irrigation, pesticide and nutrition management strategies
Kearney Ag. Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
(559) 646-6561
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6561
Fax: (559) 646-6593
Email: mlarpaia@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Jackie Atim
Dr Jackie Atim
Title: CE Specialist in Abiotic Stress
Specialty: Abiotic Stress- Sorghum
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-646-6506
Email: jatim@ucanr.edu
Photo of Khaled M Bali Ph.D.
Khaled M Bali Ph.D.
Title: Irrigation Water Management Specialist
Specialty: Irrigation and water management, irrigation systems, soil salinity, drainage, infiltration, water quality, TMDL, biosolids
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-646-6541
Fax: 559-646-6015
Email: kmbali@ucanr.edu
Photo of Anthony J. Cornel Ph.D.
Anthony J. Cornel Ph.D.
Title: Associate Entomologist
Specialty: Applied and basic research on mosquitoes related to developing innovative strategies for their control
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6556
Email: ajcornel@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Carlos Crisosto Ph.D.
Dr Carlos Crisosto Ph.D.
Title: CE Postharvest Physiologist
Specialty: Extension and research on postharvest biology and technology of fruits; fruit and nuts quality and deterioration and handling systems
Notes: One Shields Avenue Department of Plant Sciences, Mail Stop 2 Davis, CA 95616
Carlos H. Crisosto
One Shields Avenue Mail Stop 2
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 5309025906
Email: chcrisosto@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Kent M Daane
Kent M Daane
Title: CE Specialist
Specialty: Biological control and IPM of insect pests in crops (almond, grape, stone fruit, olives, pistachios, berries, lettuce) and ornamentals (eucalyptus, ornamental).
Kearney Agricultural Research and Education Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 5596466522
Fax: (559) 646-6593
Email: kdaane@ucanr.edu
Photo of Louise Ferguson Ph.D.
Louise Ferguson Ph.D.
Title: CE Pomologist
Specialty: Tree crop physiology and production of pistachio, olive, citrus, fig, and persimmon. Areas of expertise include seasonal growth phenology, salinity tolerance, alternate bearing, canopy management, mechanical pruning, mechanical harvesting, root stock int
Louise Ferguson
Department of Plant Sciences
3045 Wickson Hall
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (559) 737 3061 (M) 530-752-0507 (O)
Fax: 530-752-8502
Email: lferguson@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Matthew W Fidelibus Ph.D.
Matthew W Fidelibus Ph.D.
Title: Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Raisin, table and wine grape production,fruit quality, whole-plant physiology, plant growth regulators, weeds.
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 5596466510
Email: mwfidelibus@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Peter Ako Larbi
Dr Peter Ako Larbi
Title: Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Agricultural Application Engineering/Spray Application Engineering
Notes: 9240 South Riverbend Avenue, Parlier, CA 93648
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-646-6577
Email: palarbi@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Giulia Marino
Dr Giulia Marino
Specialty: Horticultural physiology, orchard management under abiotic stress
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Email: giumarino@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Themis J. Michailides Ph.D.
Themis J. Michailides Ph.D.
Title: Plant Pathologist and Lecturer
Specialty: Ecology, epidemiology and control of fungal diseases of fruit and nut crops and vines, postharvest diseases, aflatoxin and mycotoxins of nut crops and figs.
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6546
Email: tjmichailides@ucanr.edu
Photo of Jeffrey P Mitchell Ph.D.
Jeffrey P Mitchell Ph.D.
Title: CE Cropping Systems Specialist
Specialty: Vegetable cropping systems, irrigation management, soil quality, organic soil amendments, extension models, postharvest physiology
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6565
Email: jpmitchell@ucdavis.edu
Photo of James J Stapleton PhD
James J Stapleton PhD
Title: IPM Plant Pathologist
Specialty: Integrated pest management; alternatives to synthetic chemical products for disease and pest control; solar energy in pest management; ecological engineering; pest issues in natural areas; biological, physical, and cultural management of reservoirs of weedy plant propagative materials; seed pathology; sustainable and appropriate pest management technologies; circular economy issues
Kearney Agricultural Center Academic Unit
9240 South Riverbend Avenue
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6536
Fax: (559) 646-6593
Email: jjstapleton@ucanr.edu
Photo of Florent P Trouillas
Florent P Trouillas
Title: Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Fruit and Nut Crops, Plant Pathology
9240 South Riverbend Avenue
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-646-6566
Email: flotrouillas@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Andreas Westphal
Dr Andreas Westphal
Title: UC Riverside Professor of Cooperative Extension Nematology, Tokuji and Bettie L. Furuta Endowed Chair
Specialty: Applied Nematology in perennial crops including walnut, almond, pistachio, grape and citrus
9240 S Riverbend Ave
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-646-6555
Email: andreasw@ucr.edu
Photo of Houston Wilson Ph.D.
Houston Wilson Ph.D.
Title: Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Orchard/vineyard IPM, insect ecology, organic agriculture, agroecology
Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-646-6519
Email: samhw@ucr.edu

Cooperative Extension Advisors

Photo of Dr Idongesit Mokwunye
Dr Idongesit Mokwunye
Title: Area CE IPM Entomology Advisor
Specialty: Pistachio, Almond, Walnut, Stone fruits and Table grapes
Unit: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
Kearney Research and Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Avenue
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: 559-807-0257
Email: imokwunye@ucanr.edu
Photo of Manpreet Singh
Manpreet Singh
Title: Technology and Innovation for Small Farms Advisor
Unit: Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S Riverbend Ave
Parlier, CA 93648
Email: mansing@ucanr.edu

Staff list

Photo of Ivan Aldana
Ivan Aldana
Title: Assistant Custodial Supervisor
Phone: (559) 646-6054
Email: ialdana@ucanr.edu
Photo of Santiago Aldana
Santiago Aldana
Title: Senior Agricultural Technician
Phone: (559) 646-6023
Email: saldana@ucanr.edu
Photo of Keith C Byrum
Keith C Byrum
Title: System Admin II
Phone: (559) 646-6560
Email: kcbyrum@ucanr.edu
Photo of Doug Cary
Doug Cary
Title: Staff Research Associate II
Specialty: Adaskaveg NAVEK LAB and IR-4
Phone: (559) 646-6557
Email: dacary@ucanr.edu
Photo of Gabriel A Cisneros
Gabriel A Cisneros
Title: Agricultural Technician
Phone: (559) 646-6023
Email: gcisneros@ucanr.edu
Photo of Rodolfo A Cisneros
Rodolfo A Cisneros
Title: Lead, Principal Agricultural Technician
Phone: (559) 646-6023
Email: racisneros@ucanr.edu
Photo of David J Ennes
David J Ennes
Title: IR-4 Field Research Director
Phone: (559) 646-6061
Email: djennes@ucanr.edu
Photo of Gloria T Gonzalez
Gloria T Gonzalez
Title: Business Officer
Phone: 559-646-6010
Email: gtgonzalez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Ping Gu
Ping Gu
Title: Staff Research Associate
Specialty: Citrus Entomology--Grafton-Cardwell Lab
Phone: (559) 646-6597
Email: pggu@ucanr.edu
Photo of Marcia J Holmes-Baker
Marcia J Holmes-Baker
Title: Office Assistant II
Phone: (559) 646-6011
Email: mjholmesbaker@ucanr.edu
Photo of Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson
Title: GIS Programmer
Specialty: GIS, web development
Phone: (559) 646-6062
Email: robjohnson@ucanr.edu
Photo of Julie J Pedraza
Julie J Pedraza
Title: Staff Research Associate 2
Phone: 5596466528
Email: jjpedraza@ucanr.edu
Photo of Mr Ryan David Puckett
Mr Ryan David Puckett
Title: Staff Research Associate
Specialty: Plant Pathology--Michailides Lab
Phone: (559) 646-6549
Email: rdpuckett-old@ucanr.edu
Photo of Salvador Rangel
Salvador Rangel
Title: Farm Worker
Phone: (559) 646-6023
Email: salrangel@ucanr.edu
Photo of Keri M Skiles
Keri M Skiles
Title: Staff Research Associate II
Specialty: IR-4 Program
Phone: (559) 646-6061
Email: kmskiles@ucanr.edu
Photo of William Spalding
William Spalding
Title: Agriculture Supervisor 2
Email: dspalding@ucanr.edu
Photo of Patrick J West
Patrick J West
Title: Crafts and Trades Manager 1
Phone: (559) 646-6052
Email: pjwest@ucanr.edu


Photo of Walter J Bentley
Walter J Bentley
Title: Integrated Pest Management Entomologist, Emeritus
Specialty: Entomology
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6500
Email: wjbentley@ucanr.edu
Photo of David A. Goldhamer Ph.D.
David A. Goldhamer Ph.D.
Title: CE Water Management Specialist
Specialty: Water management of horticultural crops, regulated deficit irrigation, plant water relations, plant-based water status sensors
Hydrology Program, LAWR/Veihmeyer
One Shields Avenue
139 Veihmeyer Hall
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: (559) 646-6575
Email: dagoldhamer@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Peter B Goodell Ph.D.
Peter B Goodell Ph.D.
Title: Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus, IPM
Specialty: Development and delivery of IPM tactics, nematode and insect pest management in field crops, (cotton, alfalfa, melon) developing IPM strategies at the ecological landscape level
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6515
Email: pbgoodell@ucanr.edu
Photo of Elizabeth E Grafton-Cardwell Ph.D.
Elizabeth E Grafton-Cardwell Ph.D.
Title: Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Citrus Integrated Pest Management
Notes: Beth Grafton-Cardwell is an extension specialist with UC Riverside Entomology with appointments at both Lindcove REC and at the Kearney Ag Center
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Email: eegraftoncardwell@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr David A Grantz Ph.D.
Dr David A Grantz Ph.D.
Title: Plant Physiologist & CE Specialist   
Specialty: Air pollution, Ozone, Environmental Crop Physiology, Biofuel Feedstocks
Kearney Agricultural Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6500
Fax: (559) 646-6593
Email: dagrantz@ucanr.edu
Photo of Marshall W. Johnson Ph.D.
Marshall W. Johnson Ph.D.
Title: IPM Specialist and Research Entomologist, Emeritus
Specialty: Integrated pest management of grapes, stone fruit, almonds and walnuts; biological control of arthropods; pesticide resistance in pests and natural enemies
UC Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 360-4320
Email: mwjohnson@ucanr.edu
Photo of Michael V McKenry Ph.D.
Michael V McKenry Ph.D.
Title: Emeritus Nematologist and CE Nematology Specialist, Emeritus
Specialty: Field pathogenicity and practical control of nematodes in perennial crops
Kearney Agricultural Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6500
Fax: (559) 646-6593
Email: mvmckenry@ucanr.edu
Photo of Beth L Teviotdale Ph.D.
Beth L Teviotdale Ph.D.
Title: CE Plant Pathologist, Emeritus
Specialty: Epidemiology and control of deciduous tree nut and fruit crops and olive diseases
1072 Rorden Avenue
Selma, CA 93662
Email: blteviotdale@ucanr.edu
Photo of Larry E. Williams Ph.D.
Larry E. Williams Ph.D.
Title: Professor Plant Physiologist-AES
Specialty: Influences of microclimate on physiological processes of the grapevine; cultural techniques of the grapevine associated with the production of raisins and table grapes; carbon assimilation by and allocation in the vine; effect of senescence on gas exchange characteristics; whole plant physiology
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
Phone: (559) 646-6558
Email: lewilliams@ucanr.edu