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Current Research Rates

Research Rates are approved on an annual basis.

The full cost rates for research conducted at Kearney REC for 2023-2024 have been approved for the period July 4, 2023 to June 30, 2024. 


FULL COST Per Acre Research Rate:   $6,368.24

NON-UC RESEARCH COST Per Acre Research Rate:  *$8,660.81

UC RESEARCH COST Per Acre Research Rate:   $3,059.00

HOURLY RATE  (field/greenhouse/post-harvest)

FULL COST Direct Research Hourly Rate:  $44.50 per hour

NON-UC RESEARCH COST Direct Research Hourly Rate:  *$60.52 per hour

UC RESEARCH COST Direct Research Hourly Rate:  $44.50 per hour


* A Non-University fee of 36% is added to the Full Cost Rate for Non-UC Led Research.

UC-ANR-KARE is providing funding to fund down the full cost acre rates at 34.99% for UC Researchers for 2023-2024

If you have questions, contact Atef Swelam at 559-646-6060, or email at aiswelam@ucanr.edu.