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Portable Soil Drenching Devices

Water and product are delivered to each square foot of the field surface with portable soil drenching devices.
Water and product are delivered to each square foot of the field surface with portable soil drenching devices.
United States Patent, No. 5,586,728


A portable soil drenching apparatus and method employing any of a number of water soluable biocidal materials for pre-plant soil treatment in order to eliminate pests and disease agents. The apparatus includes a series of hoses each having drip irrigation emitters in place thereon at spaced intervals. The hoses may be attached to the underside of a tarp. Each hose is sealed at one end and attached at the other end to a manifold delivery system. The hoses are deployed onto the field which is to be treated, and the manifold is connected to a water supply and material mixing source. The selected materials are mixed with the water and introduced into the hose and manifold system by one of three alternative methods (uniform delivery, wave delivery or stacking) resulting in drenching of the field and elimination of pests and/or disease agents. Alternative embodiments allow for connection to existing linear, wheel line, and center-pivot irrigation systems and and for the use of low atomizing sprinklers instead of hoses.

Read the patent for portable soil drenching device (pdf)
