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Research Advisory Committee

Research Advisory Committee Members 2011-2012

Project proposal process:

  1. Review  Research Project Criteria
  2. The review process is conducted using the ANR Simple Grant System (SGS).
  3. You will receive an email from Janie Duran when the SGS is open for the review process.
  4. Login to your ANR Portal using your personal login ID and Password.
  5. Click on the current year KREC RAC "Review" which takes you directly to the project proposals for review. Click on the Proposal Document link to view the 3-year report, proposal and LL&F.
  6. After reviewing the project documents, select approve, discuss or disapprove.
  7. You may leave comments pertaining to the project. When you have completed the review hit "Save Review."
  8. Submit review by prescribed deadline after which date the review link will be closed.