CE Plant Pathologist, Emeritus
Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center1072 Rorden Avenue
Selma, CA 93662

Ph.D., University of California, Davis, 1973
Research StatementDiagnosis, epidemiology and control of fungal and bacterial diseases of deciduous fruit and nut crops.
Work Information
Location: Kearney Agricultural Center
Program Area: Plant Pathology
Unit: "Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis"
Other Information
County: Fresno
Notes: 30 years with UC. UC's first woman agricultural specialist.
Epidemiology and control of deciduous tree nut and fruit crops and olive diseasesBibliography
Non-Peer Reviewed
- 1997. Palmer, E. L., B.L. Teviotdale, and A.L. Jones. A relative of the broad host range plasmid RSF1010 detected in field isolates of Erwinia amylovora. Applied and Envir. Microbiol.
- 1997. Teviotdale, B. L., N. Goodell, and D. Harper. Abscission and kernel quality of almond fruit inoculated with the shot hole pathogen Wilsonomyces carpophilus. Plant Dis.: 82:000.
- 1997. Teviotdale, B. L., M. Viveros, and J. Grant. Apple russetting influenced by more than copper sprays. Calif. Agr. 51 (1):11-14
- 1996. Teviotdale, B. L., and D. Harper. Almond pruning wounds, bark abrasions susceptible to Ceratocystis. Calif. Agric. 50 (3):29-33.
- 1996. Teviotdale, B. L., T.J. Michailides, D.A. Goldhamer, and M. Viveros. Effects of hull abscission and inoculum concentration on severity of leaf death associated with hull rot of almond. Plant Dis. 80:809-812.
California Agriculture Article Contributions
- Almond pruning wounds, bark abrasions susceptible to Ceratocystis
- Midwinter irrigation can reduce deep bark canker of walnuts
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Vegetable Crops - Member