9240 S. Riverbend Ave.
Parlier, CA 93648
(559) 646-6558
Also in:
Viticulture & Enology
Ph.D., University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1978
Research Statement
The major thrust of my research program is currently vineyard irrigation management. I have had irrigation experiments established on wine grapes (trials located in Napa, Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Riverside counties), table grapes (trials located in Fresno and Riverside counties) and raisin grapes (trial located at the Kearney Agricultural Center). The primary objective of these studies is to determine how much water vines will use under non-stressed conditions. The date will be used to determine reliable crop coefficients at the various locations in order to help grape growers schedule irrigations (both timing and amount). Subsequently, I determined the effect of both under- and over-irrigation amounts on vine physiology, growth and fruit yield and quality. I have developed a model to predict water use of Thompson Seedless grapevines and compared the model output with actual water use, measured with a weighing lysimeter. Modeling efforts for both water use and carbon assimilation are proceeding on other cultivars. Lastly, I am currently publishing results from a graduate student who studies water relations of native North American Vitis species grown under soil water deficits. It is anticipated that results from this study may assist grape breeders in developing drought tolerant rootstocks.
Influences of microclimate on physiological processes of the grapevine; cultural techniques of the grapevine associated with the production of raisins and table grapes; carbon assimilation by and allocation in the vine; effect of senescence on gas exchange characteristics; whole plant physiologyFiles
- 37 Grantz Wms LAI HortSci 1993.pdf
- 38 Crisosto et al JASHS Postharvest 1993.pdf
- 40 Retzlaff et al 1994 Ozone HortSci.pdf
- 41 EnvironPhysiol Chapter 1994.pdf
- 42 Araujo et al SciHort 1.pdf
- 43 Araujo etal SciHort 2.pdf
- 45 Ezzahouani Williams 1995.pdf
- 46 Dokoozlian Wms H2CN2 Hort Sci 1995.pdf
- 47 Photoassimilate Partitioning Grape 1996.pdf
- 49 Retzlaff et al. Ozone JEQ 1997.pdf
- 51 Wms et al Girdling AJEV.pdf
- 53 RaisinManCh4.pdf
- 54 RaisinManCh16.pdf
- 55 RaisinManCh17.pdf
- 56 Padgett Johnson et al V riparia AJEV 2000.pdf
- 58 WmsAraujoJASHS 02.pdf
- 59 WilliamsWatUseYngGrps03.pdf
- 60 WilliamsWatUseGrpLysim03.pdf
- 62 PadgetJohnson 17 spp.pdf
- 63 DaaneWilliamsPaper.pdf
- 64 Iandolino2004.pdf
- 65 Wms and Ayars Girdling H2O use.pdf
- 66 07-ezzahouani[2].pdf
- 67 CalAgLysMan.pdf
- 68 AFMLinearRelationship.pdf
- 69 WmsTroutAJEV.pdf
- 70 WmsBaeza07.pdf
- 71 EzzahouaniWilliamsAJEV.pdf
- 72 IrrSciVegGrowth.pdf
- 73 IrrSciReprodGrowth.pdf
- 74 PR rtstck trial Aust J W G Res.pdf
- 75 Methoxy Phyto Chem.pdf
- 76 IrrSciLys vs Yl (2).pdf
- 78 Potential Vineyard ET.pdf
- 77 Gas Exchange f Irr Trt.pdf
- 79 Alfredos Physiol Plant Paper.pdf
- 80 Irrig Sci Merlot Study.pdf
- 81 Irrig Sci SR Study.pdf
- 82 JIntSciVigVin H20 Pot 2012.pdf
- 83 Remote Sensing Paper.pdf
- 84 Albertos AJGWR paper.pdf
California Agriculture Article Contributions
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Integrated Grape Production - Member